What Do I Need to Know If I Am Pregnant in High School?

If you’re pregnant and still in high school, you’re likely feeling overwhelmed, scared, and worried about your future. All these feelings are normal and understandable. However, it’s essential to take everything one step at a time.  Read on to learn...Continued

I’m Pregnant, and My Partner Is Abusive

If you’re pregnant and your partner is abusive, it’s essential to seek safety for yourself and your pregnancy. If you’re in immediate danger, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-7233 or text “Start” to 88788.  If you’re not...Continued

How Will Pregnancy Affect Me Mentally?

Scared. Nervous. Overwhelmed. If you found out you’re pregnant, you’re likely feeling all these emotions and more. And all of these feelings are completely normal.  During pregnancy, your emotions can seem bigger than normal due to pregnancy hormones, but your...Continued

My Birth Control Failed: What Do I Do?

While many women rely on birth control to prevent pregnancy, the truth is that it isn’t always effective. If your birth control has failed, try not to let fear overwhelm you. Instead, create a plan to lay out your next...Continued

Can I Get the Abortion Pill by Mail?

Obtaining the abortion pill by mail might seem like the best way to address an unintended pregnancy. After all, it is easy and private. But it also leaves gaps in care that could endanger your safety. What Is the Abortion...Continued

What You Need to Know About Abortion Pill Reversal

If you have taken the abortion pill mifepristone but have second thoughts, you have an option. The abortion pill reversal protocol can be used to reverse the effects of mifepristone. It is essential that if you change your mind about...Continued

Is Abortion Pill Reversal Hard On Your Body?

Having a medical abortion is a very personal and difficult decision. After an abortion, some women experience many different emotions, including relief, anxiety, or depression.  In certain instances, the abortion pill can be reversed. The abortion pill reversal process has...Continued

How to Find the Abortion Reversal Pill

The choice to keep or end a pregnancy is not easy to make. Knowing if you’ve made the right decision under a lot of stress or fear can be difficult.  If you have taken the first dose of the abortion...Continued

Can You Reverse the Effects of the Abortion Pill?

How Does the Abortion Pill Work?   Using the abortion pill is different than the morning-after pill or Plan B. It is a two-step process for ending a pregnancy that doesn’t require surgery or anesthesia.   According to the Mayo Clinic, the...Continued