The Indiana Safe Haven Law allows a mother or father to give up their baby anonymously without being worried about facing arrest or persecution. This is a safe alternative to abandonment, which is illegal and puts a baby’s life in danger. 

Read on to learn more about Indiana’s Safe Haven Law. Or, if you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy and wondering what to do next, or if you currently have a baby and are feeling overwhelmed, contact The Hope Clinic to be connected to one of our caring team members. We’re here to offer support and information that can help you make an empowered decision about how to move forward.

How Does the Indiana Safe Haven Law Work?

Under the Indiana Safe Haven Law, a mother or father can surrender their baby to an emergency medical professional without leaving any identifying information, as long as the baby doesn’t show any signs of intentional abuse. However, any information regarding the baby’s date of birth, race, or medical history would be greatly appreciated. 

The surrendered baby will be examined by a medical provider and given treatment (if needed). Then, the Department of Child Services will place the baby in the custody of Child Protective Services until a caregiver can be obtained.

Where Are Surrender Locations? 

Babies can be surrendered to any hospital, fire department, or other emergency station in Indiana. However, to maintain anonymity, safe haven baby boxes were created. These secure, temperature-controlled devices look like boxes attached to the sides of fire stations. When a baby is placed inside, a silent alarm will alert the emergency professionals, and the baby will remain safe and protected until first responders arrive.

Safe haven baby boxes are located in Adams County at the Berne Public Safety Building and the Decatur Fire Station, but you can find more locations by searching here.

Next Steps

If you currently have a baby but are feeling overwhelmed, or if you’re still pregnant but don’t know what to do, help is available. At The Hope Clinic, we’re here for you. We offer free-of-charge, confidential resources and support that can help you feel encouraged. You’re not alone in this. Contact us today to find help.