While many women rely on birth control to prevent pregnancy, the truth is that it isn’t always effective.

If your birth control has failed, try not to let fear overwhelm you. Instead, create a plan to lay out your next steps.

First Steps

If you think you are pregnant, your first step should be to confirm your pregnancy with a lab-grade pregnancy test and an ultrasound. These tests are free and confidential at the Hope Clinic and provide the details you need about your pregnancy to make an informed decision. 

Ultrasounds are necessary regardless of the outcome you choose for your pregnancy. They are used to determine the following:

  • Is the pregnancy viable? Natural miscarriage is experienced in about 20% of pregnancies. Though a woman may still test positive for pregnancy up to a few weeks after a miscarriage, an ultrasound will determine if the pregnancy is growing and has a heartbeat.
  • How far along is the pregnancy? The length of your pregnancy determines your options, so this information is vital to your decision-making process. For example, the abortion pill is only FDA-approved for pregnancies under 10 weeks.
  • Where is the pregnancy located? Sometimes an embryo implants outside of a woman’s uterus resulting in a life-threatening condition for the woman called an ectopic pregnancy. Abortion is ineffective in treating ectopic pregnancy, and it will most often require other immediate medical intervention.

Understand Your Options

When you do your best to prevent pregnancy, and it happens anyway, you might feel like your choice has been taken away from you. But remember, you do have options. Learn about the options for your pregnancy. Gather facts about abortion procedures and risks, the different types of adoption, and available resources if you decide to parent. Having this information will help you make a decision that leaves you with confidence.

We Are Here for You

Please get in touch with us if we can help you through this time. We offer free ultrasounds so you can get the information you need about your pregnancy. Our options counselors can walk you through each of your choices.