If you’re pregnant and still in high school, you’re likely feeling overwhelmed, scared, and worried about your future. All these feelings are normal and understandable. However, it’s essential to take everything one step at a time. 

Read on to learn more about the basics of what you need to know about being pregnant in high school. Or, if you want to speak to someone in person, contact The Hope Clinic to be connected with one of our caring team members. All appointments are free and confidential.

You Have Options

It’s important to know that you have options for your pregnancy: parenting, adoption, or abortion. Each option is permanent and will be life-changing, so it’s vital to understand all you can about each one before deciding. 

Only you can make the choice about how to move forward with your pregnancy. However, it can be beneficial to talk to someone you trust about what you’re thinking. When choosing who to talk to, you want to make sure that they won’t try to force their opinion on you or make you feel judged. Instead, you want to pick someone who will listen openly and let you talk through what you’re feeling.

If you don’t have anyone in your life who you trust, you can always contact our caring team at The Hope Clinic. We’re here to answer your questions, listen to your concerns, and provide information about your different options.

You Have a Future

When you first see a positive result on the pregnancy test, it can suddenly feel like your life is over. It might seem like all your hopes and dreams are now out of reach. But this isn’t true! 

No matter what you decide for your pregnancy, you still have a future—and you can still accomplish your goals. 

If you choose to parent, your high school likely has various resources to help you succeed academically. It’s important to talk to your guidance counselor to figure out what options are available. 

You Have Support

While having support from your partner, family, and friends is important, moving forward in your pregnancy is still possible even if you don’t have it. 
Community resources are available to help, no matter what you decide. At The Hope Clinic, we offer free pregnancy resources to support and encourage you. The decision about your pregnancy is yours, but we’re here to help you feel confident in your choice. Contact us today.