Much of the time, insurance coverage only extends to partners when a couple is legally married, or in some cases, in a recognized domestic partnership. However, if your girlfriend is pregnant and considering the abortion pill, there is other support available, regardless of insurance coverage. 

Here’s what to expect about insurance coverage, abortion pill costs, and the resources available to you in Adams County.

Insurance Coverage for Medical Abortion

Every health insurance plan is different. If your girlfriend has insurance, she would need to call the company to find out about what coverage is available to her. If you’re the only one with insurance coverage, policies likely limit who can be covered by your plan. 

Paying Out-of-Pocket for the Abortion Pill

When thinking about paying out-of-pocket for the abortion pill, there are several factors to consider. Here’s what to know.

How Much Does Medical Abortion Cost?

The cost of the abortion pill varies by provider, but it can be $600 or more in Indiana. There may be additional costs involved as well, such as pre-and post-abortion exams and time off work. At The Hope Clinic, we can provide a pre-abortion consultation at no cost, regardless of insurance status. 

Why Get a Pre-Abortion Exam?

The abortion pill is only for women who are 10 weeks or less pregnant. If your girlfriend’s pregnancy has progressed beyond that, another type of procedure would be needed. 

Our medical professionals use pregnancy testing and an ultrasound exam to confirm the progression of pregnancy. This way, your girlfriend has all the necessary information for her health and safety.

What Are My Next Steps?

We know that finances and healthcare coverage can be difficult to navigate, especially when combined with the shock of an unexpected pregnancy. While you support your girlfriend, we’re here for both of you during this time, too. 

Make An Appointment in Berne or Decatur, IN

All of our services, including STD testing and ultrasounds, are offered free of charge, with no insurance necessary. Schedule a confidential appointment today.