On September 15th, Indiana’s abortion laws will shift from elective abortions being legal up to 20 weeks gestation to abortion being outlawed unless in very specific cases. This post will discuss these changes and what options are available to women.

What Are Indiana’s New Abortion Laws?

According to the Indiana General Assembly, the new state laws completely prohibit abortion except for cases such as:

  • Rape
  • Incest
  • Fatal fetal anomalies
  • When a woman’s life is in danger

If any circumstance meets one of these criteria, abortion is not unlawful within the state.

What Should I Know Before Traveling for an Abortion?

If considering traveling for an abortion, several actions can be taken now before travel to help safeguard your health and wellbeing.

  • Confirm your pregnancy with a medical-grade pregnancy test
  • Receive an ultrasound to ensure your pregnancy is not ectopic (outside the uterus) and gestational age. These factors matter for your safety and when considering what type of abortion you qualify for.
  • Know the side effects, risks, and complications such as incomplete abortion, heavy and prolonged bleeding, infection, fever, and digestive system discomfort.
  • Have a complete physical and give an entire health history, including current medications and past conditions. According to Mayo Clinic, depending on these factors, abortion is not always recommended for everyone.
  • Understand all your options by speaking with a trusted medical professional or pregnancy center.

Whom Can I Speak With?

If you have questions regarding new state laws, wish to understand options, or discuss concerns, please contact us today for a free, confidential appointment. We offer no-cost pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and options counseling for your convenience.  

Allow our caring medical staff to give you the support and care you deserve.