You have three pregnancy options: parenting, abortion, and adoption. If you’re reading this, you might have already ruled out parenting. Maybe you feel too young or unprepared, and that’s okay. 

You’re figuring it out as you go, and you’re looking at each option one by one. When faced with a decision that will change the course of your life, that’s the best thing you can do.

Abortion vs Adoption: Your Options

When weighing your options for pregnancy, or any life decision, spend time envisioning how your life would be after making a choice. Consider not only what your life would look like, but what you might be giving up. Pros and cons lists can help you organize your thoughts too.

Sometimes we can become tangled in our own heads with all the emotions surrounding a decision. Talking to someone you trust or a trained professional can help. At The Hope Clinic, we’ll help you evaluate your situation, goals, and relationships to make the right choice for your future.

Choosing Abortion

Even though abortion seems like clicking the “undo” button on your pregnancy, it’s really not that simple. It’s a serious medical procedure that shouldn’t be taken lightly, and one that impacts many women emotionally.

Here are some questions to ask yourself when considering abortion:

  • Why would I choose abortion over another option?
  • Do I want abortion to be part of my story?
  • In the future, will I think about what could have been?
  • Do I want to have a relationship with my child? 
  • Is this really what I want, or am I pressured?

Ask yourself the hard questions. You want to make sure you feel confident in your decision, and to do that, you need to put everything on the table.

Choosing Adoption

Adoption is also a challenging option to consider. Many women will choose adoption because they aren’t ready to parent, and want their child to have a better life. It’s a sacrificial decision involving carrying to term and childbirth, but it’s one that could be right for you. 

It’s also very flexible. You set the terms, select the adoptive family, and decide how much contact you want to have with your child. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself when considering adoption:

  • Why would I choose adoption over another option?
  • Do I want adoption to be a part of my story?
  • In the future, will I think about if I could have parented?
  • Do I want to have a relationship with my child?
  • Is this really what I want, or am I pressured?

Let Us Be Your Resource

Spending time considering each option will help you make an empowered choice. We’re here to give you the information, resources, and support you need to move forward. Schedule an appointment at The Hope Clinic, and we’ll provide pregnancy testing, an ultrasound, and discuss your options, free of charge. It’ll be okay.