You’ve taken a pregnancy test and confirmed your results with an ultrasound. There’s no more guessing. You’re unexpectedly pregnant. We understand how difficult this is. You just want what’s best for you and your baby. Right now, the thought of adding a little one into your already busy life is totally overwhelming. You may be working and/or going to school, having financial or relationship issues, or you’re already taking care of others. If you’re considering adoption but don’t know where to start, this article summarizes how to create an adoption plan and where to begin.

Choose A Trustworthy Adoption Specialist

The adoption process requires a lot of trust. You need to work with an adoption specialist, whether an agency or a lawyer, who has your best interests at heart. A reputable person will never ask you to pay for their services.

Making An Adoption Plan

No one should ever pressure you into choosing adoption for your child. It’s a difficult decision and you need to be confident it’s right for you. Once you’ve chosen your adoption specialist, talk with them about your situation. A qualified specialist will ask questions to be sure you understand the process, the legal details, and the different types of adoption plans.

As the birth mother, you choose the plan, the adoptive family, and the timing. Don’t worry if you’re no longer in a relationship with the birth father. Every state has different laws regarding a birth father’s rights. Your adoption specialist will know what is required in your area.

As you learn more about adoption, you’ll start to put together a plan that you’re comfortable with. You’ll be asked how much involvement you want to have with the adoptive family and your child in the future.

Closed Adoption Plan

If you decide you want to remain anonymous, choose a closed adoption plan. The specialist chooses the adoptive family based on your requests and takes care of the details. You won’t know the names, location, or lifestyle of the family, but some women feel remaining anonymous helps them move on with their lives.

Open Adoption Plan

If you would like to have ongoing contact with the adoptive family and your child, you would make an open adoption plan. In an open adoption, you would have direct contact with them. Together, you would arrange meetings and communicate regularly. This plan involves exchanging personal information like full names, addresses, emails, and even phone numbers.

Semi-open Adoption Plan

With a semi-open adoption, you would have contact, but it would be through a third party such as the adoption agency or lawyer you’ve chosen. You would know the first names of the adoptive couple, but any other identifying information would be kept private.

Finalizing the Adoption

Once you’ve described the type of family you want to raise your child, your adoption coordinator will show you bios of families that resemble what you’re looking for. Take your time. Finding the right family is the most important part of the process.

In Indiana, a birth mother can consent to the adoption any time after birth. You are given a 30-day window to file a petition to withdraw consent after the child is placed with their adoptive family. You must, however, prove that it is in the child’s best interest.

Benefits of Adoption

  • Knowing you chose your child’s needs over your own
  • Choosing an open adoption plan gives you ongoing contact with your child without the day-to-day responsibilities of motherhood
  • Peace of mind knowing your child is placed in the loving arms of a grateful family
  • The comfort in knowing you will always be a part of your child’s life story

Is Adoption Right For You?

Like all of your options, adoption is a difficult choice. You need a strong support system and counsel before and after your child is born. At the Hope Clinic, we’re ready to be the support you need no matter what you choose. We can review the adoption process and offer referrals to reputable adoption specialists.

Contact us today, and we can talk about all your options.