Unexpectedly pregnant and not sure what your options are in the state of Indiana? You may be confused following the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade as well as evolving state laws. 

Before you make your next steps, take a moment to breathe—there is help and hope available to you, and you deserve to prioritize your health by learning all the facts about your options first. 

If you are considering abortion, take the time to learn about your options in the state of Indiana and consider each detail that may affect your specific, unique needs. You deserve the best for your health and future—ensure you’re making a confident, informed choice. 

Is Abortion Still Legal in IN? 

In the state of Indiana, abortion law is currently in a state of flux. However, due to a judge blocking the most recent law restricting abortion, abortion is currently still legal in the state of Indiana up to 20 weeks gestational age. This may change after a hearing scheduled for early October 2022, however.

This current legality of abortion up to 20 weeks includes both abortion methods—medical abortion (also known as the abortion pill) and surgical abortion (an in-clinic procedure). Which method may be medically appropriate for each unique patient’s needs depends on several factors, most notably how far along the pregnancy has progressed. 

Before making your pregnancy decision, ensure you have confirmed key facts about your health situation and what your options entail first. Proceeding with an abortion method that is not medically recommended for your stage of pregnancy could have severe consequences for your health and may necessitate further medical care. 

As you navigate your options, learn what you should know first about abortion. 

What Do I Need to Know About Abortion First? 

While taking a pill may seem simple, any abortion method should be carefully considered as it is a serious medical procedure with risks and side effects. 

Medical or medication abortion, also known as the abortion pill, is actually a series of two pills. The FDA approves the use of these medications for the termination of early pregnancies up to 10 weeks gestational age. 

Taking these pills past 10 weeks could result in long-term negative health effects, such as incomplete abortion or infection. It is very important for you to verify how far along you are in pregnancy through in-person care with a medical professional prior to taking the abortion pill. 

The Mayo Clinic lists the following as possible physical risks of the abortion pill: 

  • Incomplete abortion, which may need to be followed by surgical abortion
  • An ongoing unwanted pregnancy if the procedure doesn’t work
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding
  • Infection
  • Fever
  • Digestive system discomfort

Surgical abortion, a secondary abortion method, is typically used for the termination of pregnancies beyond 10 weeks. As its name suggests, this is an in-clinic procedure that typically involves some form of sedation and is performed by a physician or provider. 

Surgical abortion procedures vary slightly depending on the stage of pregnancy, but most involve the physician utilizing medical instruments or tools to scrape or suction the fetus and tissue from the uterus. 

The Mayo Clinic lists the following as potential physical risks of surgical abortion procedures: 

  • Perforation (tearing) of the uterus
  • Damage to the cervix
  • Scar tissue on the uterine wall (which could affect future fertility) 
  • Infection 

You may be feeling overwhelmed as you consider your options. The best way to ensure you’re putting your health and safety first is by discussing your specific needs with a medical professional. There may be certain complications present that you would want to be informed of before making your next medical steps. You will want to protect yourself by knowing how far along you are and what options are available to you. 

An ultrasound appointment is the best way to get the answers you need. 

Why Is It Important to Get An Ultrasound? 

An ultrasound exam can help you be sure of key details about your pregnancy, such as:

  • How far along you are (and what options are available to you at this stage) 
  • If the pregnancy is viable (or if miscarriage care is more appropriate for your situation) 
  • If the pregnancy is located in the uterus (or if you are at risk of ectopic pregnancy)

Making a medical decision before knowing these facts could put you at risk. Ensure you’re making a confident choice by receiving an ultrasound from a trusted medical professional. 

Schedule Your Appointment

At The Hope Clinic, our professional medical staff can help answer your questions and give you peace of mind by helping you navigate your pregnancy decision with confidence. Through a free, confidential ultrasound appointment, you can rest assured that you have the information you need to put your health and future first. 

Schedule your appointment today — the choice is yours, but we can help.